In the history of our School, the administrator’s position changed through the school years; Principal, Superintendent, and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and Executive Director. Summary list:
- In 1869 there was no title of administrator running our School until 1876.
- Rev. John G. Brown, the founder of our school and Archbald Woodside, the first teacher helped each other to run the program.
- In 1881, a definition of a principal was one who holds a position of presiding rank; especially, the head of a school.
- In 1902, the title of administrator’s position was changed to Superintendent.
- In 2009, the title of administrator’s position was changed to the Chief Executive Officer is a highest-ranking executive in a school and its responsibilities.
- In 2023, the title of administrator’s position came back to Superintendent, but two administrators are running the school and report directly to the Board of Trustees. Superintendent oversees all academics, athletics, residence and Scranton and Executive Director oversee the operations of the school: Human Resource, Business Office, Maintenance/Housekeeping, Technology, Institutional Advancement, Security, and Outreach and Early Intervention.

1875 – 1880
James H. Logan
- Born on February 27, 1843, in Allegheny City (Pittsburgh’s North Side)
- Education
- Attended Pennsylvania School for the Deaf on October 1, 1858, but left school.
- One of the first three graduates from the National Deaf-Mute College (now Gallaudet University) in 1869
- Received his bachelor’s and master’s degrees from National Deaf-Mute College, respectively 1869 and 1874.
- Professional Careers:
- Worked at the Coast Survey Office in Washington, DC in 1863, but left to study at National Deaf-Mute College in 1864.
- Teacher at the Illinois Institution for the Education of the Deaf and Dumb (now Illinois School for the Deaf) at Jacksonville, Illinois (1869-1874)
- At WPSD:
- Succeeded Archie Woodside in 1875 as a teacher, aged 33 years.
- At the end of school year of 1875-76 he resigned because the day-school program was not working right
- Acting Principal (First Superintendent) for four years (1876-1880)
- Resigned in October 1880
- At different places:
- Pursued his scientific interests’ investigations in microscopy in Pittsburgh.
- Added his duties an insurance broker and a teacher for the Western University (University of Pittsburgh)
- Never married and lived with his mother.
- Died of pneumonia on December 9, 1917, at the age of seventy-three and buried at the Union Dale Cemetery in Pittsburgh.
- Received Honorary Doctor of Science (ScD), Gallaudet College in 1914.

1881 – 1883
John A. McWhorter
- Unfortunately, we do not have his picture with same problem as superintendent at Louisiana School for the Deaf
- Born in Warsaw, New York
- Graduated in 1856 from Beloit College in Beloit, Wisconsin
- Professional Careers
- Teacher at Wisconsin School for the Deaf for thirteen years (1856-1869)
- Became proficient in the use of sign language.
- Superintendence of the Louisiana School for the Deaf for seven years (1869-1876) in Baton Rouge
- The political troubles drove him out, and he returned to a farm.
- Hired as our second principal, aged 67 years in January 1881
- Unfortunately, as the plans were underway to begin the construction of the buildings in Wilkins Township
- Passed away on January 14, 1883, while in office at Turtle Creek at the age of forty-nine

1883 – 1885
Rev. Thomas MacIntire
- Born in Reynoldsburg, Ohio
- Education
- Graduated Franklin College in New Athena, Ohio in 1840
- Graduated Princeton Theological Seminary in Princeton, New Jersey in 1841
- Studied sign language under Dr. Thomas Gallaudet and Frenchman Laurent Clerc at the American School for the Deaf during the missionary field in 1842.
- Professional Careers
- Teacher at the Ohio School for the Deaf in Columbus (1842-1845)
- The first principal and teacher at the new foundation of the Tennessee School for the Deaf in Knoxville (1845-1850), decided that he could not live in a slave state, so he resigned.
- Returned to Columbus, Ohio to build his own bookstore and remained for two years.
- Principal at the Indiana School for the Deaf in Indianapolis for twenty-seven years (1852-1879)
- Principal at the Michigan School for the Deaf in Flint for three years (1879-1882)
- Hired our third principal at WPID on Turtle Creek and Wilkinsburg, aged 67 years (1883-85)
- Decided to resign due to a declining health on July 20th, returned to Indianapolis, Indiana where he died on September 25, 1885
- Honorary Doctor of Philosophy Degree (PhD.) from Columbia Institution for the Deaf (Gallaudet University) in 1877

1885 – 1889
Rev. John G. Brown
- Born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
- Education
- Graduated Western University (now University of Pittsburgh) in 1842
- Graduated United Presbyterian Theological Seminary in 1845 to become a pastor.
- Professional Career
- Pastor of the Third United Presbyterian Church in Pittsburgh for 25 years (1846-1871)
- Became increasingly interested in the potential of daily instruction, was a founder of our School in 1869
- Established a charter and a Board of Trustees organized in 1871 and he selected as a President by the Board.
- Became the fourth principal (Superintendent) in 1885
- Retired in the spring of 1889.
- After his retirement, he returned his post as a president of the Board of Trustees until his death on March 4, 1904, at the advanced age of 80 years.
- His longest service to our school as Charter member from 1871 to 1904 (33 years)
- Honors
- Honorary Doctor of Divinity Degree (D.D.) from Western University in 1864
- Received the Distinguished Service Award in 2021.

1889 – 1921
Dr. William N. Burt
- Born in Vernon, Indiana
- Graduated Hanover College in Hanover, Indiana in 1867
- Professional Careers
- Offered a teacher by our former principal, Dr. Thomas MacIntire
- Later became a principal connected for the past twenty-two years to the Indiana School for the Deaf (1867-1889)
- Hired fifth principal in 1889 (The title, Principal changed to Superintendent in 1902)
- Encouraged the students to pursue college education and he sought financial support from the government.
- Wrote thousands of letters to the parents or related to the recruitment of new students and asked parents to write letters to their children and encouraged the pupils to write letters to their parents.
- Witnessed two schools; the Old Main Building within four stories which were burned down on December 14, 1899, and rebuilt New Building within three stories at Dr. Burt’s skill as a builder work with a deaf architect, Olaf Hanson.
- Passed away on October 17, 1921, during his last term of office in Edgewood.
- Thirty-two years of his life (1889-1921)
- Fun Facts
- His son, James became a doctor and joined to be WPID Board Member (1914-1952).
- His daughter, Elizabeth got married at WPID chapel on May 7, 1896, with two hundred quest attendances.

1921 – 1946
Dr. Arthur C. Manning
- Born in Marietta, Georgia
- Graduated Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia in 1902
- Professional Careers
- Normal Fellow (and Research Assistant) in the Department of Articulation at Columbia Institution for the Deaf (Gallaudet University) in 1903
- Teacher at the Pennsylvania School for the Deaf in 1910
- Chief of the Educational Service (for rehabilitation of deafened soldiers) at the US Army General Hospital in Cape May, New Jersey during the World War (1918-1919)
- Hired as our first Assistant Superintendent at WPID and taught a class in the upper grades in the academic department in 1919.
- Became our sixth Superintendent in 1921
- Faced many demands and challenges: oral method, vocational education, Great Depression, education of hard-of-hearing children, and new laws.
- Had successes with teacher training, literacy, and student responsibility, and student government formed.
- Developed a strong Scouting organization among the boys and was a leader in the East Borough Council of the Boy Scouts of America
- Retired after twenty-seven years on October 31, 1946
- Died at the age of eighty-two on June 6, 1960
- Honors
- Received Honorary Doctor of Laws degree from Grove City College, Pennsylvania in 1939
- Received Honorary Doctor of Humane Letters from Gallaudet University in 1945
- Elected to the WPSD Alumni Association Hall of Fame in 1960

1946 – 1969
Dr. Samuel B. Craig
- Born in Stanford, Kentucky
- Education
- Graduated Centre College in Danville, Kentucky in 1923
- Received a master’s degree from Gallaudet University in 1923
- Received a second master’s degree from George Washington University in Washington, DC in 1928
- Professional Careers
- Teacher at Kentucky School for the Deaf in 1923
- Professor of Education at Gallaudet University and became a principal of Kendall School in Washington, DC (1925-1946)
- Agreed with the Board of Trustees in 1945 to become Assistant Superintendent while remaining as Principal at Kendall School until May 31, 1946
- Became our seventh superintendent in 1946.
- Retired in 1969 after 23 years; his son, William, took over as Superintendent.
- “The business executive, the educational philosopher, the accountant, the teacher of teachers, the architect, the dynamic public speaker, the human relations expert, and the maintenance engineer” all through his years as the Superintendent of WPSD.
- Died on August 17, 1987, at the age of 86 in Sarasota, Florida
- Honors
- Received Honorary Degrees of Doctor of Lettes from Gallaudet College (Gallaudet University) in 1951.
- Received Honorary Degrees of Doctor of Letter from Centre College in 1951.

1969 – 1993
Dr. William N. Craig
- Born in Washington, DC
- Grew up on the WPSD campus.
- Education
- Graduated from Edgewood High School
- Received a bachelor’s degree from Washington and Lee University
- Received a master’s degree in education of the Deaf from Gallaudet University
- Received Ph.D. in Audiology from the University of Pittsburgh
- Professional Careers
- Professor of education at Gallaudet College (now Gallaudet University) and teacher at Kendall School (now Kendall Demonstration Elementary School)
- Assistant Professor at University of Oregon College of Education
- Director of Graduate Program for Educators of the Deaf in the Department of Special Education and Rehabilitation at the University of Pittsburgh
- Hired as eighth Superintendent in 1969, succeeding his father who had retired.
- Lower School building converted to Boys’ Dormitory and Boys’ Side in the Main Building converted into a classroom building; Girls’ Dormitory built.
- New educational programs implemented: Verbotonal System, Language Lab, Special Studies, Open Classrooms, and Instrumental Enrichment
- Snack Bar opened.
- Vocational Building, Laundry Building, Boiler House, Infirmary and Summer House demolished; renovations made to meet ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) requirements.
- Center on Deafness began operations in 1986 and housed in the Primary Building
- Retired in 1994 for 24 years of service.
- Died on November 6, 2008, at the age of 75 in Atlantic Beach, Florida
- His motto: “Innovator, scholar, historian, and creative educator”

1994 – 2016
Donald E. Rhoten
- Born in Manchester, Maryland
- Education
- Received a bachelor’s degree from University of Baltimore
- Two master’s degrees from Western Maryland College (now McDaniel College) and California State University at Northridge
- Professional Careers
- Teacher and dormitory supervisor at the Florida School for the Deaf and Blind
- Principal at the Colorado School for the Deaf and Blind
- Director of Gallaudet University Southeast Regional Center at Flagler College
- Assistant Headmaster at the Pennsylvania School for the Deaf
- Principal at the Florida School for the Deaf and Blind
- Hired as the ninth Superintendent in 1994 and became the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) in 2009
- Applied Studies program completely revamped in 1996 for our special needs students, with focus on education, on-the-job training, and home living skills development.
- Major campus renovations: Auditorium, the Learning Center, Children’s Center and TV Studio
- Replaced Boys’ Dormitory with a new Student Residence
- Added Deaf-friendly state of the art equipment and technology throughout campus.
- Established Office of Outreach in Camp Hill and Preschool Classroom in Hershey
- Added a second WPSD campus in Scranton, which was named The Scranton School for Deaf & Hard of Hearing Children
- Retired in 2016 after 22 years of service.

2016 – 2023
Dr. Steven E. Farmer
- Born in Frederick, Maryland
- Education
- Attended Maryland School for the Deaf
- Graduated from Governor Thomas Johnson High School in 1986
- Graduated with a bachelor’s degree from Tennessee Temple University
- Received two master’s degrees in educational administration and policy studies and a doctorate in Education Leadership, all from the University of Tennessee
- Professional Career
- Director of Student Life at Tennessee School for the Deaf (1999-2016)
- Adjunct Clinical Assistant Professor at University of Tennessee
- Hired as tenth Superintendent (CEO) in 2016
- Resigned in 2023

2023 – Current
Kevin McDonough
- Born in Canada and moved to Appleton, Wisconsin in 1979
- Education
- Graduated from Appleton Xavier High School
- Bachelor of arts in History at University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, December 1991
- Master of arts in American History at University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, August 1995
- Master in Deaf Education at University of Pittsburgh, May 1997
- Professional Careers
- At Milwaukee, WI
- Itinerant Teacher, Milwaukee Public Schools (MPS), (1997-99)
- Teacher of the Deaf, Milwaukee Sign Language School (MPS), (1999-2005)
- Lead Teacher/Assistant Principal, Foster and Williams High School of the Visual Arts and Communication (MPS), (2005-08)
- Teacher of the Deaf, Milwaukee Sign Language School (MPS), (2008-09)
- At Milwaukee, WI
- Principal/Assistant Principal (2009-18)
- Director at the Scranton School for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Children (2018-21)
- Chief Academic Officer (2021-23)
- Interim Superintendent (2023)
- 11th Superintendent (2023-Present)

2023 – Current
Carrie Rain
- Education
- Master of Education, Education of the Hearing Impaired, University of Pittsburgh in 1999
- Bachelor of Science, Psychology, University of Pittsburgh in 1997
- Professional Careers
- Volunteer, Camp Counselor, Student Teacher, and Substitute Teacher (1998-2000)
- Preschool and Kindergarten Teacher (2000-09)
- Principal, Children’s Center, and Elementary School (2009-14)
- Director of Early Childhood Programs (2014-23)
- Executive Director (2023-present)
Written by Stephen Rute, WPSD Class of 1974 who spend his time for the research on biographies of Superintendents & CEO at our deaf school. This would not have been possible without his support in our WPSD Alumni Association.