Bobbie Jo Kite, Class of 1999 is pursing the PhD degree in Early Childhood Education at George Mason University schedule to graduate in 2014.
From YouTube About:
Hello! My name is Bobbie Jo Kite, and I am currently a faculty at Gallaudet University- Department of Education. Today, I will discuss our new program titled “American Sign Language and English Bilingual Early Childhood Deaf Education: Birth to Five” Certificate program.
This 21-credit Graduate certificate program is designed to offer a program of study for in-service and pre-service professionals who work with deaf and hard of hearing children and their families in educational settings. This innovative program will provide pre-service and in-service knowledge and skills relevant to the theories and applications connected to pedagogy and ASL/English bilingual education for deaf and hard of hearing children from birth to five years old.
For general application requirements, please visit our website:
Interested applicants for the American Sign Language and English Bilingual Early Childhood Education: Birth to Five Certificate program may apply for either graduate or professional studies training credits (PST).
Source: YouTube