Message for you: Alumni WPSD Museum Fundraising

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Hello, this is Michelle Vigliotti and I am a graduate of the class of 1987.  This letter is to inform you of my effort with the Alumni Association to develop and establish a new WPSD museum.  I currently work at WPSD as a Residential Supervisor.  I also serve the school in other capacities, including being the Assistant Coach for the Girls Basketball Team, and as a Dorm Council Advisor.  I serve on the WPSD safety committee, and of course I am a PROUD Alumnus.  I am also currently working on my Master’s degree in Deaf education.

This new museum is to be located in what many remember as “the old snack bar” in the basement of the main building.  On behalf of the Alumni Association, I am asking for your help in providing materials that will contribute to the history of WPSD.  We would like to collect some old items, pictures and any other items that will showcase our beloved WPSD’s rich history.  We are hoping to find as many donated items as we can.  Those who donate will be recognized in the museum as well.

The Alumni Association would also greatly appreciate if you would consider donating money to our museum fund.  This fund will help us purchase items such as display cases, spot lights, signs for the names of who donated the materials, etc.  Our goal is to make this a great museum with many memories.  I am looking forward to the grand opening, and I hope you can be there, too.

If you have any questions or would like to donate to our cause, please contact me at:


Thank you,

Michelle V signature

Michelle Vigliotti

WPSD Alumni

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