In the photo, first row: Mark Tarno, Thomas Hattaway, John Noschese, Rosemary (Rolewitz) Noschese.
Second row: Robin Shay, Andrew Friday, Catherine (Stauffer) Friday, Robert Andrascik, Mary Ann (Hines) Carter, Susan (Eash) Laino, Barbara (Frank) Kite, Joan (Schellman) Cody.
Third row: Raymond Gwizdak, John Stahl, Mark Kite, Merrill Cargo, Wes Hawkins.
Fourth row: Jay McLaughlin, David Tajc, Allen Hammel.
Memories cherish forever! A friend shared a picture of #WPSD #class #reunion of 1977 and 1978 together. They hosted 40th Class Reunion on June 28th 2018 at Rocky Gap Resort in Maryland.