Meet Emily Jo Noschese, a 2005 graduate of WPSD. Originally from Pittsburgh, PA, Emily now resides in Michigan and is a Tenure Track Assistant Professor at Wayne State University. She recalls many favorite memories at WPSD but specifically the Varsity Letter Club fair and bowling in the girls’ gym at WPSD.
Since graduation, Emily’s journey has taken her across the globe. She toured with the Deaf entertainment group Rathskellar, backpacked through Europe, and conducted research on sign languages in Hawaii and Laos. Emily holds a PhD in Linguistics and focuses on bilingual education in ASL and written English. Notably, she was named Lecturer of the Year
at a Hawai’i community college in 2017.
Way to go, Emily Jo!
Source: The Western Pennsylvania School for the Deaf Facebook Page.
Emily Jo also appeared in numerous articles in our WPSD Alumni posts: