The school grew in numbers, the rooms set apart for hospital purposes became inadequate and the need for a special building to the care of the sick demand. The late William and Jane Holmes (sibling) left the money to the foundation of the school with the wise philanthropy to build a commodious hospital. It was worth $18,000. The building called “Infirmary” was completed and dedicated on June 17, 1897, with a heavy bronze tablet hung up there to honor William and Jane Holmes. If sick students are serious, will transfer to nearby hospital!

Failure to provide the care of recovery patients from contagious diseases, we needed a solarium or glass-enclosed parch. The work was done in the carpenter shop by the foreman and the boys in 1903.
In 1918 the front door and a porch with swirled stairs were taken down and rearranged the new doors on both sides of the building by order from the state law to have doors open outward on all buildings.

The Infirmary Building was demolished in 1979 because it no longer met modern building code regulations, and the infirmary was moved to the new Girl’s Dormitory.
The attorneys notified the school that they said a cash gift to WPSD by Russell Anderson, former student (1932-43). The Board of Trustees decided to build a new infirmary in Girls’ Dormitory and renamed the Health Center in his honor.

Written by Stephen Rute, WPSD Class of 1974.