Category: News

  • Heinz archivists share expertise with WPSD

    Sierra Green and Emily Ruby of the Heinz History Center recently met with Aaron and Chris Noschese at the Western Pennsylvania School for the Deaf to discuss preservation. Green, Ruby, and Chris Noschese are members of the Consortium steering committee. The school has an extensive collection of original items that reflects its history, including photographs, yearbooks, correspondence, newsletters, film, athletic uniforms, desks, and…

  • Consortium members visit WPSD Alumni museum

    In 1868, young Henry Bell came to Third United Presbyterian Church’s Mission Academy School. Henry was African American and deaf. The pastor solicited Pittsburgher William Drum, who was also deaf and a graduate of the Pennsylvania Institution in Philadelphia, to teach him. This effort quickly expanded, and a school opened in September 1869.It was the first day…

  • A battle beneath the rainbows

    A battle beneath the rainbows

    BY STEPH CHAMBERS, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette In Focus. In sports, there’s nothing more inspirational than a comeback win. Ok, throw in a double rainbow. Then there really is nothing more dramatic. Though Plants and Pillars Homeschool Co-op scored first and dominated most of the game, The Western Pennsylvania School for the Deaf scored with four minutes…

  • WPSD builds bridges with hearing community

    WPSD builds bridges with hearing community

    When communicating with a person who is deaf or hard of hearing, don’t talk REALLY LOUD because it really won’t help at all. This would seem to be common sense, but it happens all the time, according to deaf people who teach American Sign Language at the Western Pennsylvania School for the Deaf. It also…

  • Bobbie Jo Kite engaged

    Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Kite Sr. of Yukon, Pennsylvania are pleased to announce the engagement of their daughter, Bobbie Jo Kite (WPSD Class of 1999) to Blake Herbold. Ms. Kite is a professor at Gallaudet University in the Department of Education. Mr. Herbold is a jack-of-all-trades and is an adjunct faculty at Gallaudet University.…

  • Alumni Officers 2017-2020 Term

    President: Robert Maher (2006) 1st Vice President: David Tasselli (1999) 2nd Vice President: John Noschese (1977) Secretary: Valentine Wojton (1976) Treasurer: Todd Langer (1990) 3 Year Trustee: Thomas DeFazio (2000) 6 Year Trustee: Lawrence Hast (1975) 9 Year Trustee: Tracy Marchese (1985) Members-At-Large Robert Andrascik (1977) Paul Blahut (1987) Anthony Dumblosky (1999) David Fulmer (1996) Irene Hearn (1959) Jamie Kitchen…

  • More people are signing up to learn ASL

    By Linda Wilson Fuoco, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette on September 1, 2017. What’s the third most popular language course taught in the United States? It’s American Sign Language, just behind Spanish, which is taught most often, and French, the second-most popular language, according to a survey from the Modern Language Association. The nonverbal language, which uses hands and…

  • Campus Recreation hosts Summer Academy

    By Callie Curley July 31, 2017 UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. — As students gathered around the climbing wall looking nervously toward the top, Christian Cross was the first to buckle his helmet and approach the wall to climb. “I wanted to just get up there and try it,” Cross said. “You never know what you will…

  • Lion 2016 Yearbook is now online

    WPSD 2016 Yearbook is published and repository in our Alumni website. Enjoy reading this book.