Category: News
WPSD teacher wins national recognition
The first time Wendy Auden saw someone use sign language, she was sitting in a pew at the First Presbyterian Church of Avonmore in Westmoreland County. At 11 years old, she was enamored with the graceful movements of the younger girl’s hands and felt a pull to learn their meanings. And she wanted to make…
WPSD Cup 2020 Photo Gallery
COVID-19. Social distancing. This situation is WPSD Alumni first time hosted for the event. The weather couldn’t get any better than that. WPSD Alumnus, staff, guests, friends and relatives having their blast time playing the golf at Grandview Golf Club on September 12, 2020. Click below to view the 61 photos that you might remember…
WPSD Deaf community within the BLM movement
Reminder Note: WPSD Students, Alumnus, staff/teachers and friends who are participated in the video. For professional interpreter Amy Crawford, American Sign Language is her first language. Ms. Crawford is a CODA — child of deaf adults. Interpretation has always been a part of her everyday life growing up, using ASL at doctor’s appointments, in the…
WPSD’s 2020 Graduating Class
During this very unusual school year, we wanted the incredibly talented students of our 2020 graduating class to know that they remain in our thoughts and our hearts every day. We hope everyone enjoys this video that spotlights each of our wonderful seniors. In this time of social distancing, we may be apart right now,…
WPSD ’14 Bradley Speck featured in RIT News
Bradley Speck, Anita Balaji, Eric Hartman, Lizzy Carr and Sean Mahaney were expecting to walk across the stage this weekend with more than 4,300 Rochester Institute of Technology students—a record number of graduates. Instead, they will be celebrating at home with their families or friends. Today’s celebration of the Class of 2020 certainly cannot replace the…
2020 Alumni Reunion postponed
Alumni. Good day to you We, the EB of WPSD, had a meeting, using emails. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we have agreed to postpone our 2020 Alumni Reunion until further notice. We will keep you all informed of the new date, may it be in late summer or early fall of this year or…
Zane Noschese wife in spotlight
Mother shares raw photographs taken after she gave birth to her son in just 20 minutes while sitting on the toilet at home – and says she feels ’empowered’ by the images By Chole Morgan, MailonlionePublished on April 9, 2020 WPNote to WPSD Alumnus: Zane Noschese is WPSD Graduate of 2007. His wife, Brittany shares…
Update about 2020 Alumni Reunion
As you heard the coronavirus epidemic happening in United States, especially in our home state, Pennsylvania. We will announce if we will have our alumni Reunion or not on May 1st. Do not worry about the April 30th deadline. If we decide to cancel the reunion, all people who have purchased will get 100% refund.…
Operation ASL Story Time
As coronavirus pandemic spread across the global, especially in United States, we, the people stayed at our homes to stay safe and stay healthy. A lot of deaf kids are isolated at home right without linguistic access. Most Deaf women joined into the bandwagon videos of Operation ASL Story Time to share ASL book stories,…